I have a dahlia problem

I’m more than a little obsessed with dahlias. When I see a dahlia, my trigger finger starts to itch. They are just so perfect and round. I could really shoot them all day long. Longwood is having a dahlia festival this weekend, and I will be missing it! Hopefully, there will be some remnants left when I visit on Tuesday.

My visit to Longwood today felt like one of my last of the season. With hockey fast approaching, and the next 12 weeks at work being mayhem, I don’t know how often I will get there until January. It is such a great place to go and unwind. Farewell for a few months, Longwood Gardens…

The R8 is growing on me. Somehow, the colors look more vibrant in PSE than when I post them here. Also, not sure about this new format, but we’ll see….

Three Angels Oversee Proceedings In Kato Horio (Κάτω Χωριό, Κρήτη) Crete.

One thing I love to do is look at other people’s pictures. I clicked on one of Russ’ links and found terrorkitten. All I can say about his photos is wow. Nothing beats a picture like this to get you inspired to get out there and shoot.


No wonder I’m all out of sorts today…I didn’t take any pictures on 9/4.  That’s like the first day in a week that I haven’t shot anything.  Bummer.  Good thing I wasn’t doing project 365…