Missed opportunities

I was rudely awakened by the cat yesterday at 6:30 am. Rod, his usual feeder, is away, and the cat needed me to fill in. I’m not used to being up at 6:30 am, and as I looked out the window to check on the traffic situation, I saw a lovely photographic opportunity.

The morning sun was shining on the road, creating a nice sharp shadow of dark and light that cut across the yellow line at a nice angle. “Hmm, that would be a nice picture,” I thought to myself. “I’ll get it tomorrow when I have to get up early for real. I’m too tired to get the Ricoh out at this ungodly hour.”

Cut to today at 6:15. My alarm goes off, I open my eyes and look at the window. Oh crap. It’s overcast! I get out of bed, thinking maybe it’s just because it’s 6:15, not 6:30. Nope, it is definitely overcast. No pictures of the contrasty, shadowy road for me today. And unless the cat wakes me up again tomorrow, no pictures tomorrow either.

I wish I could say that this is the first time I have said “oh, I’ll just get the shot tomorrow,” but the truth is, it has taken me awhile to learn this lesson. You gotta get the shot the first time you see it, because it’s usually not there again the next day. The lighting is different, someone cuts down the tree you were loving, the irises go past bloom by the next time you get there.

Next time I’ll know better!